
Here am I, send me (Isaiah 6:8)

  • Lesson 1 – November 11, 2023
    A glance from the Old Testament: Abraham and the prophets of Israel
    Abraham: “leave your land” – Giovanna Maria Porrino (Italy)
    “The call of the prophets” – Janina Hiebel (Germany)
  • Lesson 2 – December 16, 2023
    “Mission by Jesus: “And he began to send them out in pairs” (Mark 6,7)” – Maria Magnolfi (Italy)
    “Paul the missionary” – Philippe Van den Heede (Belgium)
  • Lesson 3 – January 13, 2024
    “Mission in the Church’s Magisterium and a Proposal from the Experience of Asia”Andrew Recepcion (Philippines)
    “May they all be one so that the world may believe”Callan Slipper (England)
  • Lesson 4 – February 10, 2024
    Get up and go…”: the challenges of the mission
    “Plural contexts and models of evangelization: different ways of going out to share the light of the charism” – Lucas Cervino (Mexico)
    “Dialogue with secularity” – Franz Kronreif (Austria)
  • Lesson 5 – March 9, 2024
    “Synodal path and mission in the experience of the Focolare Movement”Vincenzo Di Pilato (Italy)
    “Changing the World” – Catherine Belzung (France)

Lord, teach us to pray

  • Lesson 1 – 19th November 2022
    Prayer: a human need of all times

  • Lesson 2 – 14th January 2023
    Scripture: a school of prayer
  • Lesson 3 – 11th February 2023
  • MARIA MAGNOLFI: Jesus’ Prayer: From Son to Father
    SHERIN HELMY: Experience in the Coptic Orthodox Church
    KATHRIN REUSSER: How my prayer as a member of the Evangelical-Reformed Church has developed over the years in Latin America
  • Lesson 4 – 18 March 2023
    JOSE’ DAMIAN GAITAN: Theology of forms, types, times, and spaces of prayer
    ANTONIO BACELAR: The Liturgy
    THIBAUT NDORERAHO: The experience of prayer in different African traditions
    LESLEY ELLISON: Prayer in the Anglican Communion and my personal experience of prayer
  • Lesson 5 – 15 April 2023
    FABIO CIARDI: Prayer in the charism of the Focolare Movement

Where man is alone with God - conscience

  • Lesson 1 – 6th November 2021

    Listening to “that voice” and personal conscience: the perspective of the spirituality of unity
  • Lesson 2 – 18th December  2021
    Conscience in a plural world, different perspectives
  • Lesson 3 – 5th February 2022
    Conscience in the biblical horizon of the Covenant and discipleship.“Decide today whom you will serve” (Josh 24:15)
    “A Samaritan, instead … saw him and had compassion” (LK 10:33)
  • Lesson 4 – 5th March 2022
    The Church’s understanding of personal conscience. Conscience and freedom
    A contribution from canon law: distinction between internal and external forum
  • Lesson 5 – 2th April 2022
    Following one’s conscience: listening, discernment and action

The challenge of dialogue

  • Lesson 1 – 7th November 2020
    CRISTINA MONTOYA (Colombia) CRES GABIJAN (Filippine)
  • Lesson 2 – 19th December  2020
    AMY UELMEN (Stati Uniti) CLAUDIA HUBERT (Germania)
    Ci sono strumenti per il dialogo?
  • Lesson 3 – 9th January 2021
    Vie di pensiero sul dialogo
  • Lesson 4 – 27th February 2021
    GENEVIÈVE SANZE (Rep. Centro Africana)
    L’impegno della chiesa cattolica e delle chiese nel dialogo
  • Lesson 5 – 27th March 2021
    Panel – Coordinato da: VIDA RUS (Slovenia) ANDREW CAMILLERI (Malta)
    Riflessioni sul carisma dell’unitá e il dialogo

Jesus in the Midst

  • Lesson – November 2nd 2019
    Giovanna Maria Porrino, The presence of God among men: readings from the Old Testament; Maria Magnolfi, Meeting the Risen One as testified in the gospel of Luke
  • Lesson – November 30th 2019
    Declan O’Byrne, Jesus in the Midst as Presence of the Risen One; Gérard Rossé, Matthew 18,20 in Contemporary Exegesis
  • Lesson – January 11th 2020
    Hubertus Blaumeiser, Jesus in the Midst: A Discovery for the Church; Peter Dettwiler, Jesus in the Midst in the Reformed Tradition
  • Lesson – February 22nd 2020
    Judith Povilus, Culture of Resurrection/Culture of Unity; Licia Paglione, Networks and social relations: when the quality of links matters
  • Lesson – March 28th 2020
    LUCAS CERVIÑO, Intercultural dialogue and the action of the Risen One in the world; SUSANA NUIN, The Risen One and the different forms of being community: the experience of Latin America

The Holy Spirit soul of the Church and of the world

  • Lesson – November 10th 2018
    Gianna Hiebel, The Spirit of God in Ezekiel: stormy wind, breath of life, new mentality; Gérard Rossé, The Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles
  • Lesson – January 19th 2019
    Maria Magnolfi, The Spirit Paraclete and the Bride – in the Fourth Gospel and The Book of Revelation; Mirvet Kelly, The Holy Spirit in the symbolic theology of Ephrem the Syrian
  • Lesson – March 2nd 2019
    Raul Silva, Listening to the Spirit as Church; Paul München SJ, Personal spiritual discernment
  • Lesson – March 16th 2019
    Teresa Rossi, Pentecostals and Catholics: an ongoing dialogue: Basic notions of the Pentecostal movements and along the path of Catholic-Pentecostal dialogue
  • Lesson – April 6th 2019
    Pastor Giovanni Traettino, The Pentecostal Movement: origin and expansion; D. Andrew Reception, The multifaceted mission of an outgoing Church

Mary, the woman of the Gospel

  • Lesson – November 4th 2017
    Philippe van den Heede, The different portraits of Jesus’ mother in the New Testament; Giovanna Maria Porrino, To understand Mary, a Jewish woman. Pathways to the feminine in the Old Testament
  • Lesson – December 9th 2017
    Brendan Leahy, Mary, flower of humanity: Marian dogmas; Marta Michelacci, Mary in the iconographic tradition: some indications of research on Marian devotion in different expressions of art
  • Lesson – January 20th 2018
    Michel Vandeleene, Mary and the Church in the light of ll Vatican Council; Callan Slipper, Mary’s place in the Anglican tradition: an ecumenical reflection
  • Lesson – February 10th 2018
    Marilù Fischer, A commentary on Martin Luther’s text on the Magnificat; Rev. Augustinos Bairactaris, Mary in the perspective of the Orthodox Church
  • Lesson – April 7th 2018
    Sr. Tiziana Longhitano, Mary, a human-Christian model. Anthropological perspectives; Sr. Tiziana Merletti, Mary, model for a synodal Church

The Forsaken One, the meeting point

  • Lesson – December 3rd 2016
    GIANLUCA FALCONI and VALENTINA GAUDIANO, The questions of the contemporary person: on the border between sense and non-sense
  • Lesson – February 4th 2017
    GIOVANNA MARIA PORRINO, Cry and unspeakable hope: a brief commentary on Psalm 22 and the songs of the Servant in Isaiah; MARIA MAGNOLFI, The Cry: a reading of Mark 15, 33-39
  • Lesson – February 18th 2017
    HUBERTUS BLAUMEISER, Jesus: A Mediator who is Nothing; ROBERTO ALMADA, The dynamics of identity: between loss and development
  • Lesson – March 25th 2017
    VINCENZO DI PILATO, Kenosis and communion: an ecclesiological reading; GENEVIÈVE SANZE, The Crucifix and existential peripheries
  • Lesson – April 29TH 2017
    STEFAN TOBLER, The Theology of the Cross in Luther; JOAN PAVI BACK, Jesus Forsaken, key to ecumenical dialogue

The Call to Unity

  • lesson – November 7th 2015
    Renata and Francisco (An Introduction to the Course); GIOVANNA MARIA PORRINO, Restoring broken unity. Pathways to reading the Old Testament
  • lesson – November 21st 2015
    ROBERTO ALMADA, Man-Woman Relationship: an anthropological reading; MARIA MAGNOLFI, Unity: fulfilment of Salvation History
  • lesson – January 23rd 2016
    DECLAN O’BYRNE – ENRIQUE CAMBÓN, The unity of God and “Trinitarian” unity lived in human relations: biblical-theological and practical insights
  • lesson – February 13th 2016
    JOAN PAVI BACK, Towards full communion: Churches are moving forward among the challenges

The Eucharist

  • November 22nd 2014
    1st lesson GERARD ROSSÈ, Biblical dimension of the Eucharist
  • January 17th 2015
    2nd lesson RAUL SILVA, The Eucharist, mystery of communion
  • January 31st 2015
    3rd lesson P. ALESSANDRO CLEMENCE, The Eucharist sacrament of unity
  • February 14th 2015
    4th lesson, CONCETTA BONFANTE, Patristic aspect of the Eucharist

Mutual love – ll Vatican Council /2

  • November 23RD 2013
    1st lesson GERARD ROSSÈ, Mutual love
  • January 11TH 2014
    2nd lesson RAUL SILVA, Lumen Gentium
  •  January 18TH 2014
    3rd lesson CATERINA MULATERO (RINUCCIA) – CARI GORDO, Gaudium et Spes: the Church deals with the contemporary world
  • February 8th 2014
    4th lesson CATERINA MULATERO (RINUCCIA) – CARI GORDO, Gaudium et spes: challenges and perspectives

The Neighbour - The Second Vatican Council - The Year of Faith

  • November 10th 2012
    Prof. MICHEL VANDELEENE, The neighbour
  • December 1st 2012
    Prof. KLAUS HOFSTETTER, Sacrosanctum Concilium
  • January 12th 2013
    Prof. PAOLO SINISCALCO, The Second Vatican Council: a historical perspective
  • January 26th 2013
    Prof. LIDA CICCARELLI, Faith in the “Year of Faith”

The Word of God

  • Saturday, November 5th, 2011
    Prof. ALBERT DRESTON, An Introduction to Sacred Scripture
  • Saturday November 19th 2011
    Prof. GIOVANNA PORRINO, From the Old Testament to the New Testament I: Pentateuch
  • Saturday, December 3rd, 2011
    Prof. GIOVANNA PORRINO, From the Old Testament to the New Testament II: Prophets – Wisdom Books
  • Saturday January 14th 2012
    Prof. PHILIPPE VAN DEN HEEDE, A key to reading the Gospels
  • Saturday January 28th 2012
    Prof. GÉRARD ROSSÉ, An Introduction to St. Paul

The Will of God

  • lesson 1 – January 15th, 2011, 4 p.m.
    ALBERT DRESTON, The Will of God in the Old Testament
  • lesson 2 – January 29th 2011, 4 p.m.
    MARIA GIOVANNA PORRINO, The Will of God in the New Testament
  • lesson 3 – February 5th, 2011, 4 p.m.
    JESÚS MORÁN, The Will of God in theological reflection
  • lesson 4 – February 19th 2011, 4 p.m.
    Sister MARINA MOTTA, The Will of God in the Saints

God is Love

For 2009-2010 there are 4 lessons on God Love, already entrusted to specialist professors, which will resume the course held from 1991 to 1994, to elaborating from a theological point of view the first theme of Chiara Lubich’s spirituality which the whole Work of Mary is committed to meditating and living during the current year.


  • lesson – Centro dell’Opera, CH Hall, January 9th 2010
    ALBERT DRESTON, God Love in the Old Testament
  • lesson – Centro dell’Opera, CH Hall
    GÉRARD ROSSÉ, The doctrine of redemption
  • lesson – Centro dell’Opera, CH Hall, February 20th 2010
    RAUL SILVA, God Love in the Fathers and great theologians
  • lesson – Centro dell’Opera, CH Hall, February 27th 2010
    Sister MARINA MOTTA, Knowledge and experience of God Love in Christian mystics

Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Church History

The course, which lasted 5 years, took place from 2000 to 2005 and was prepared thanks to the contribution of professors from different cultural and geographical backgrounds, but “united in the name of Jesus” and experts in the field. The aim of the course was to be useful to all, even with the obvious limitations that every culture brings with it. Supported by the use of Church History texts already published in various languages, the course proposed lessons open to members – from both different Churches and cultures – oriented towards universal fraternity.


20th year, Church History Course/1

  • lesson 1, Castel Gandolfo, December 2nd 2000
    PAOLO SINISCALCO, An Introduction
  • lesson 2, Castel Gandolfo, January 13th 2001
    GERARD ROSSE, The Apostolic and Post-Apostolic Church of the 1st century
  • lesson 3, Castel Gandolfo, January 20th 2001
    PAOLO SINISCALCO, Christianity between the 2nd and 3rd centuries
  • lesson 4, Castel Gandolfo 2001
    PAOLO SINISCALCO, Christianity between the 4th and 7th centuries
  • lesson 5, Grottaferrata (The Centre of the Volunteers), March 31st 2001
    JOAN PAVI BACK, Churches in the East at the borders of and outside the Roman Empire
  • lesson 6, Castel Gandolfo, May 5th 2001
    LIDA CICCARELLI, The birth pangs of a world that is born. The emergence of new peoples
  • lesson7, Castel Gandolfo, May 12th 2001
    FABIO CIARDI, Early monasticism as a spiritual movement

21st year, Church History Course/2

  1. lesson 8, Castel Gandolfo, December 1st 2001
    PAOLO SINISCALCO, From late antiquity to the early Middle Ages
  2. lesson 9, Castel Gandolfo, January 12th 2002
    MAURO PESCE, The birth and expansion of Islam
  3. lesson 10, Castel Gandolfo, January 19th 2002
    MARINA MOTTA and THEO JANSEN, the great charismatic movements of the Middle Ages
  4. lesson 11, Castel Gandolfo, March 9th 2002
    LIDA CICCARELLI, The Church in the tension between spiritual and civil authority
  5. lesson 12, Castel Gandolfo, March 23rd 2002
    JOAN PAVI PACK, Relations between the Church of Rome and the Byzantine Church from the 8th to the 15th Century

22nd year, Church History Course/3

  1. lesson 13, Castel Gandolfo, December 7th 2002
    HUBERTUS BLAUMHEISER, Luther and the Reformation
  2. lesson 14, Castel Gandolfo, December 14th 2002
    MAURO PESCE, Islam in modernity from the 15th to the 18th century
  3. lesson 15, Castel Gandolfo, January 11th 2003
    MARINA MOTTA, Charisms from the 15th to the 18th century
  4. lesson 16, Castel Gandolfo, February 15th 2003
    NUMA RIVERO PERDOMO, An Introduction to the process of evangelization of America
  5. lesson 17, Castel Gandolfo, February 22nd 2003
    LIDA CICCARELLI, The Council of Trent
  6. lesson 18, Castel Gandolfo, March 8th 2003
    GIOVANNI CASOLI, The Enlightenment
  7. lesson 19, Castel Gandolfo, May 24th 2003
    LIDA CICCARELLI, The French Revolution

23rd year, Church History Course/4

  1. lesson 20, Castel Gandolfo, December 13th 2003
    LIDA CICCARELLI, The 19th century
  2. lesson 21, Castel Gandolfo, January 10th 2004
    HUBERTUS BLAUMEISER, l Vatican Council
  3. lesson 22, Castel Gandolfo, January 31st 2004
    LIDA CICCARELLI, Light and darkness of the short century
  4. lesson 23, Castel Gandolfo, February 7th 2004
    MARINA MOTTA, Spirituality and the Saints in the 19th and 20th centuries
  5. lesson 24 Castel Gandolfo, February 28th 2004
    JOAN PAVI BACK, The Ecumenical Movement
  6. lesson 25, Castel Gandolfo, March 20th 2004
    PAOLO SINISCALCO, ll Vatican Council
  7. lesson 26, Castel Gandolfo, May 15th 2004
    NUMA RIVERO PERDOMO, An Introduction to the history of the Church in America (XVIII-XX centuries)

24th Year – Church History Course/5: current issues

  1. lesson 27 – Castel Gandolfo, October 30th 2004
    PIERO CODA, The pontificate of John Paul II
  2. lesson 28- Castel Gandolfo, January 8th 2005
    MARTIN NKAFU, The spread of the Church in the world: Africa
  3. lesson 29- Castel Gandolfo, February 26th 2005
    PAOLO SINISCALCO, The role of lay Christians in the history of the Church
  4. lesson 30 – Castel Gandolfo, April 2nd 2005
    Sister MARINA MOTTA, The New Movements in the History of the Church
  5. lesson 31- Castel Gandolfo, April 23rd 2005
    LIDA CICCARELLI, The Church and the power of forgiveness (20th and 21st century)

Catechism of the Catholic Church

The publication of the official text of the Catechism of the Catholic Church was an opportunity to focus on the need for personal Christian formation, giving it a secure and in-depth basis. 53 lessons were prepared in Italian, and translation into various languages has now begun. They constitute a foundational training course, at the end of which a certificate of merit is issued.


14th year – Course on the Catechism of the Catholic Church/1

  • lesson 1 – Castel Gandolfo, October 15th 1994
    PIERO CODA, An Introduction to the Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • lesson 2 – Castel Gandolfo, October 15th 1994
    PIERO CODA, Section I: “I believe” – “We believe”.
  • lesson 3 – Castel Gandolfo, October 22nd 1994
    CONCETTA BONFANTE, Section II: The symbols of faith
  • lesson 4- Castel Gandolfo, October 22nd 1994
    CONCETTA BONFANTE, Section II: “I believe in God the Father”.
  • lesson 5 – Castel Gandolfo, October 29TH 1994
    CONCETTA BONFANTE, Section II: “I believe in God the Father”.
  • lesson 6, Castel Gandolfo, October 29TH 1994
    CONCETTA BONFANTE, Section II: “I believe in God the Father”.
  • lesson 7, Castel Gandolfo, November 12TH 1994
    MICHEL VANDELEENE, Chapter II: “I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God”.
  • lesson 8, Castel Gandolfo, November 12TH 1994
    MICHEL VANDELEENE, Chapter II: “I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God”.
  • lesson 9, Castel Gandolfo, February 11TH 1995
    GERARD ROSSE, Chapter II: “I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God”.
  • lesson 10, Castel Gandolfo, February 11th 1995
    GERARD ROSSE, Chapter II: “I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God”.
  • lesson 11, Castel Gandolfo, March 25th 1995
    HUBERTUS BLAUMEISER, Chapter III: “I believe in the Holy Spirit”.
  • lesson 12, Castel Gandolfo, March 25th 1995
    HUBERTUS BLAUMEISER, Chapter III: “I believe in the Holy Catholic Church”.
  • lesson 13, Castel Gandolfo, April 1st 1995
    LIDA CICCARELLI, “The communion of saints”.
  • lesson 14, Castel Gandolfo, April 1st 1995
    VERA ARAUJO, “The remission of sins, the resurrection of the flesh, eternal life”.

15th year, course on the Catechism of the Catholic Church/2

  • lesson 15, Castel Gandolfo, April 8th 1995
    JESUS CASTELLANO CERVERA, Part II, Section I: sacramental economy
  • lesson 16, Castel Gandolfo, April 8th 1995
    JESUS CASTELLANO CERVERA, Baptism and Confirmation
  • lesson 17, Castel Gandolfo, February 10th 1996
    FABIO CIARDI, The Eucharist
  • lesson 18, Castel Gandolfo, February 17th 1996
    FABIO CIARDI, The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation – the Anointing of the Sick
  • lesson 19, Castel Gandolfo, March 16th 1996
    RAFFAELLA PINASSI CARDINALI, The Sacrament of Holy Orders
  • lesson 20, Castel Gandolfo, March 16th 1996
    RAFFAELLA PINASSI CARDINALI, The Sacrament of Marriage

16th year – Course on the Catechism of the Catholic Church/3

  • lesson 21, Castel Gandolfo, October 26th 1996
    26th 1996 RAFFAELLA PINASSI CARDINALI, The dignity of the human person
  • lesson 22, Castel Gandolfo, October 26th 1996
    RAFFAELLA PINASSI CARDINALI, The dignity of the human person
  • lesson 23, Castel Gandolfo, November 2nd 1996
    RAFFAELLA PINASSI CARDINALI, The dignity of the human person
  • lesson 24, Castel Gandolfo, November 2nd 1996
    RAFFAELLA PINASSI CARDINALI, The dignity of the human person
  • lesson 25, Castel Gandolfo, December 28th 1996
    VERA ARAUJO, The Human Community
  • lesson 26, Castel Gandolfo, December 28th 1996
    VERA ARAUJO, The Human Community
  • lesson 27, Castel Gandolfo, February 22nd 1997
    HUBERTUS BLAUMEISER, The salvation of God: law and grace
  • lesson 28, Castel Gandolfo, February 22nd 1997
    HUBERTUS BLAUMEISER, The salvation of God: law and grace
  • lesson 29, Castel Gandolfo, March 22nd 1997
    JUDITH POVILUS, “You will love the Lord your God…”.
  • lesson 30, Castel Gandolfo, March 22nd 1997
    JUDITH POVILUS, “You will love the Lord your God…”.
  • lesson 31, Castel Gandolfo, April 19th 1997
    ANTONIO MARIA BAGGIO, “You will love your neighbour as yourself”, an introduction
  • lesson 32, Castel Gandolfo, April 19th 1997
    ANTONIO MARIA BAGGIO, “Honor your father and your mother”.

17th year – Course on the Catechism of the Catholic Church / 4

  • lesson 33, Castel Gandolfo, November 15th 1997
  • lesson 34, Castel Gandolfo, November 15th 1997
  • lesson 35, Castel Gandolfo, January 10th, 1998
    ELENA GIACCHI MANCINI, “Don’t kill”.
  • lesson 36, Castel Gandolfo, January 24th 1998
    FLAVIA CARETTA, “Don’t kill”.
  • lesson 37, Castel Gandolfo, February 14th 1998
  • lesson 38, Castel Gandolfo, February 14th 1998
  • lesson 39, Castel Gandolfo, March 21st 1998
    STAFANO VAGOVIC, The Sixth Commandment
  • lesson 40, Castel Gandolfo, April 4th 1998
  • lesson 41, Castel Gandolfo, May 9th 1998
    ELENA GIACCHI MANCINI, The Sixth Commandment
  • lesson 42, Castel Gandolfo, May 9th 1998
    ELENA GIACCHI MANCINI, The Sixth Commandment

18th year – Course on the Catechism of the Catholic Church/5

  • lesson 43, Castel Gandolfo February 9th 1999
    VERA ARAUJO, The Seventh Commandment
  • lesson 44, Castel Gandolfo February 9th 1999
    VERA ARAUJO, The Tenth Commandment
  • lesson 45, Castel Gandolfo, January 30th 1999
    ALESSANDRO PARTINI, The Eighth Commandment
  • lesson 46, Castel Gandolfo, January 30th 1999
    ALESSANDRO PARTINI, The Ninth Commandment
  • lesson 47, Castel Gandolfo February 27th 1999
    FABIO CIARDI, Christian Prayer
  • lesson 48, Castel Gandolfo, February 27th 1999
    FABIO CIARDI, The “Our Father”.

19th year – Course on the Catechism of the Catholic Church: elaboration

  • lesson 49, Castel Gandolfo, April 1st 2000
    RAFFAELLA PINASSI CARDINALI, Conscience and the Holy Spirit
  • lesson 50, Castel Gandolfo, April 1st 2000
    RAFFAELLA PINASSI CARDINALI, The fundamental option and sin
  • lesson 51, Castel Gandolfo, April 29th 2000
    ALESSANDRO PARTINI, Chastity and homosexuality
  • lesson 52, Castel Gandolfo, May 13th 2000
    VERA ARAUJO, Universal destination of goods and private property
  • lesson 53, Castel Gandolfo, May 13th 2000
    VERA ARAUJO, The Social Doctrine of the Church – Love for the Poor

God Love

The course, which lasted three years (1991-1993) had as textbooks the study on “God Love in the experience and thought of Chiara Lubich” by Marisa Cerini (focolarina theologian) and a subsequent study on “God Love in the Christian tradition and contemporary culture” by experts in the Old and New Testament, the Fathers, the great medieval theologians and in contemporary culture. It wanted to address, from a theological and cultural point of view, the first “aspect” on which the spirituality of unity is nourished: God Love.

11th year: God Love in the experience and thought of Chiara Lubich

  • lesson 1 – Castel Gandolfo, March 28th 1992
    MARISA CERINI, Introduction and first chapter
  • lesson 2 – Castel Gandolfo, April 7th 1992
    MARISA CERINI, second and third chapters
  • lesson 3 – Castel Gandolfo, April 18th 1992
    MARISA CERINI, fourth chapter
  • lesson 4 – Castel Gandolfo, April 25th 1992
    MARISA CERINI, end of the fourth chapter and fifth chapter

12th year: God Love in the Christian tradition

  • lesson 1 – Castel Gandolfo, March 27th 1993
    ALBERT DRESTON, God Love in the Old Testament
  • lesson 2 – Castel Gandolfo, March 20th 1993
    GERARD ROSSE, God Love in the New Testament
  • lesson 4 – Castel Gandolfo, March 3rd 1993
    SILVANO COLA, God Love in the Fathers of the Church
  • lesson 5 – Castel Gandolfo, May 8th 1993
    JESUS CASTELLANO CERVERA, Knowledge and experience of God Love in Christian mystics

13th year: God Love in contemporary culture

  • lesson 1 – Castel Gandolfo, May 22nd 1993
    GASPARE MURA, Some reflections on contemporary culture
  • lesson 2 – Castel Gandolfo, March 5th 1994
    VERA ARAUJO, A sociological perspective

Sacred Scripture

The subject of the course was the spiritual commentary, written by the well-known biblical scholar Giorgio Zevini, on the Gospel of John, from which the spirituality of unity has drawn many of its precious pearls.

9th year: The Gospel according to John, first volume

  • Lesson 1 – June 12th 1990
    GÉRARD ROSSÉ, An Introduction to the Gospel of John
  • Lesson 2 – June 18th 1990
    MARIA MAGNOLFI, John 1-5
  • Lesson 3 – June 19th 1990
    MARIA MAGNOLFI, John 5-10

10th year: The Gospel according to John, second volume

  • No lessons have been given


Activated immediately after the foundation of the Popular Marian University by Chiara Lubich on October 15th 1980, it was divided into various courses, held from 1981 to 1989. At the beginning there was a significant statement by Chiara herself: “… If a spirituality generates a life, a life contains in itself a doctrine…“. The theological lines of this doctrine were enucleated by a group of professors who were authors of the course, who – in their commitment to live “Where two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I in their midst” (Mt 18:20) – re-read from this perspective the fundamental themes of the Christian faith: Jesus Christ; The God of Jesus Christ, The Church in her mystery, The Church salvation of humankind, Christian hope. The first recipients of these studies were groups of students, young people and adults, animated by the same spirituality of unity and present in many parts of the world.


Year I: Jesus Christ: in the year 1981-1982

Lesson 1

  • The Revelation of Jesus Christ:
  • Jesus Christ in the preparation-announcement of the Old Testament
  • Testimony of the New Testament about Jesus Christ
  • Jesus in the Gospels according to Mark and Matthew
  • Jesus in the Gospels according to Luke and John
  • Jesus the Mediator

Lesson 2

  • The understanding of Jesus Christ in the Church
  • The understanding of Jesus Christ in the patristic era
  • The understanding of Jesus Christ in the theology and spirituality of the Middle Ages and of modern times
  • Understanding Jesus Christ in contemporary theology

Lesson 3

  • Mary and the mystery of Christ

Lesson 4

  • Life in Christ
  • The spiritual dimension
  • The moral dimension/1
  • The moral dimension/2

Lesson 5

  • Some aspects of Christ in contemporary culture
  • Christ and the philosophers so as to understand the crisis of the contemporary West
  • Jesus Christ seen by Marxism
  • A note on Jesus in Italian Marxism
  • Some critical observations
  • Jesus in psychoanalysis

2nd year: The God of Jesus Christ

  • Lesson 1 – February 26th 1983
    GIUSEPPE MARIA ZANGHÌ, A General Introduction
  • Lesson 2 – March 12TH 1983
    GIUSEPPE MARIA ZANGHÌ, An Introduction to the study of the mystery of God (first part)
  • Lesson 3 – March 16th 1983
    GIUSEPPE MARIA ZANGHÌ, An Introduction to the study of the mystery of God (second part)
  • Lesson 4 – April 2nd 1983
    SILVANO COLA, The development of the understanding in the Church of the God revealed by Jesus Christ by the Fathers and the Great Councils (first part)
  • Lesson 5 – April 16th 1983
    SILVANO COLA, The development of the understanding in the Church of the God revealed by Jesus Christ by the Fathers and Great Councils (second part)

3rd year: The Church in her mystery

  • Lesson 1 – February 20th 1984
    GIUSEPPE MARIA ZANGHÌ, A General Introduction
  • Lesson 2 – February 28TH 1984
    GÉRARD ROSSÉ, The People of God
  • Lesson 3 – March 14TH 1984
    GÉRARD ROSSÉ, The church, the body of Christ
  • Lesson 4 – March 20TH 1984
    MARIA MAGNOLFI, The church, the bride of Christ
  • Lesson 5 – April 2ND 1984
    PIERO CODA, The Holy Spirit
  • Lesson 6 – April 19TH 1984
    JUDITH POVILUS, Mary and the mystery of the church

4th year: The Church Salvation of Humankind/1

  • Lesson 1 – February 16th 1985
    GIUSEPPE MARIA ZANGHÌ, An Introduction
  • Lesson 2 – February 27th 1985
    MARISA CERINI, God’s plan on humankind
  • Lesson 3 – March 6th 1985
    MARISA CERINI, Theological Anthropology: Creatural and humankind’s Vocation
  • Lesson 4 – March 16th 1985
    MARISA CERINI, Theological Anthropology: Original Sin
  • Lesson 5 – March 25th 1985
    PIERO CODA, Trinitarian Anthropology
  • Lesson 6 – February 20th 1985
    GÉRARD ROSSÉ, The Word of God
  • Lesson 7 – March 27th 1985
    HUBERTUS BLAUMEISER, Ministries and Charisms

5th year: The Church Salvation of Humankind/2 (first part of the book)

  • Lesson 1 – April 19th 1986
    JESÚS CASTELLANO CERVERA, The Sacraments (general part)
  • Lesson 2 – April 24th 1986
    JESÚS CASTELLANO CERVERA, ocd., The royal priesthood fruit of baptism and confirmation
  • Lesson 3 – April 26th 1986
    JESÚS CASTELLANO CERVERA, ocd., The Eucharist

6th year: The Church Salvation of Humankind/2 (second part of the book)

  • Lesson 1 – March 7th 1987
    PIERO CODA, particular church and universal church, mystery of unity in multiplicity
  • Lesson 2 – March 14th 1987
    PIERO CODA, The Sacrament of Holy Orders
  • Lesson 3 – March 21st 1987
    ANTONIO GILIBERTO, The Sacrament of Marriage
  • Lesson 4 – April 11th 1987
    GABRI FALLACARA E JOAN PAVI BACK, 1. The Catholic Church and Ecumenism in Vatican II .
  • Lesson 5 – April 25th 1987
    ENRIQUE CAMBON, Church and Culture [not sent to the Zones].

7th year: elaboration of specific themes of the first and second year

  • Lesson 1 – May 7th 1988
    GIUSEPPE MARIA ZANGHÌ, Jesus and the philosophers
  • Lesson 2 – May 14th 1988
    PIERO CODA, God in contemporary theological reflection
  • Lesson 3 – June 4th 1988
    MARISA CERINi, A reflection on the mystery of God in the Eastern Church

8th year: Christian Hope

  • Lesson 1 – February 11th 1989
    GÉRARD ROSSÉ, The message of the Gospels on the future of humankind and the world
  • Lesson 2 – February 18th 1989
    GÉRARD ROSSÉ, Christian Hope in St. Paul and St. John
  • Lesson 3 – March 15th 1989
    MARISA CERINI, Eschatology in the faith of the church (first part)
  • Lesson 4 – March 18th 1989
    MARISA CERINI, Eschatology in the faith of the church (second part)
  • Lesson 5 – April 22nd 1989
    VERA ARAÚJO, VERA ARAÚJO, How hope is embodied in the lives of believers
  • Lesson 6 – April 29th 1989
    MARIA MAGNOLFI, The eschatological message of The Book of Revelation

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